Saturday, September 10, 2011

Reading Journal #1 - Shawshank Redemption

He was an innocent man who had been victimized by colossal bad luck, not a missionary or a do-gooder
– Red from Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption

     A few days ago, I watched a rather childish movie called Green Lantern. A typical super-hero movie, the story was basically about a pilot accidentally receiving a green ring, becoming a member of the green lantern and saving both the Earth and the universe from the evil monsters. Though, what I found interesting was the underlying theme of the movie. The green lanterns fought the evil forces with their green light from the power of “will.” On the contrary, the monsters devastated planets with their yellow beams of “fear.” Since having “will” in believing that things will get better actually is “hope,” the Green Lantern, alike Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption, depicts the collision of fear and hope within human beings.
     Andy Dufersne is the figure of ‘hope’ in Stephen King’s novella Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption. Among other prisoners who were being ‘institutionalized,’ Andy stood different. He always hoped and dreamed about the day that he would get out of jail.

1 comment:

  1. A bit short, but better than nothing. Keep in mind that I tally these up for a holistic score at the end of the semester. You should try and write at least one really good one.
