Thursday, September 13, 2012

Martian Chronicles Quotation #1

“The smiling mask dropped from his face” (1999 The Earth Men)

     This quote instantly grasped my attention as I delve through The Martian Chronicles, an epitome of influential science fiction writing of the last century. Ray Bradbury, in the earlier part of this chronology, presents the how the Earth people and Martians first interact with each other. Specifically, the chapter 1999, The Earth Men, depicts the “Second Expedition” led by Captain Williams. He and his three men, expect astonishment and significant public commotion as an indication of the Martians’ attention. However, the residents of the red planet actually concerned them as insane men, and the quote above is mentioned as Mr. Xxx executes his “cure” to help the unfortunate earth men.

     The most fundamental theme in this chapter and the next is how people of Earth and Mars misunderstand, assume about and eventually kill each other. For both expeditions, the Second and Third, Earthlings were brutally murdered. Mr. Xxx who assumed that the rocket and even the three crew members were hallucinations, tests his hypothesis by shooting Captain Williams. But since their existence doesn’t vanish, Mr. Xxx himself turns insane because of the great shock. Here, the quote above adequately exemplifies the situation. “Smiling mask” represents the misunderstanding extant between the two races. Once the mask drops from the Martian’s face, he confronts reality, so daunting and impermeable. In other words, this quotation forebodes the upcoming intensity of the change of relationship between the Martians and Earth people, as in the next chapter, in which the Martians conduct premeditated decimation.

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